Mov. Defense of the Pacha
Met the Minister Nilda Garre suspend the withdrawal from the bridge to Punta Canal
From the Movement in Defense of the Pacha thank all the officials, legislators, social and political organizations and ordinary people, who mobilized to prevent the land we stand on the north d
Last Wednesday was a long day at 8 am arrived at the Channel Point site (in the north and south of Tigre Party Escobar) the 601 Engineer Battalion Campo de Mayo belonging the Army, to disarm and take military Bailey bridge that allows only authorized access to the land they defend a camp from February to avoid privatization and destruction.
Through various efforts were made it's own Defense Minister Nilda Garre who in the 15 hours immediately gave the order to suspend the measure. We appreciate the wisdom and sensitivity of the Minister, despite the economic damage that could mean as far as it is a bridge for rent, and today nobody is taking care of their spending. We emphasize the understanding attitude of Battalion 601 members of Engineers, who understand the injustice that you are committing and listened respectfully Our hypothesis.
The list of officials and lawmakers to act quickly to this problem is long and try not to leave anyone without mention. Highlight the work of Horacio Esber and Enrique Garcia of the Ombudsman's Office, who initiated efforts days before the Ministry of Defense, Claudio Morgado President of the National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism-INADI-whom Also on Wednesday communicated directly with Nilda Garre to warn her about the situation as the Congresswoman Elsa 'Tata' Quiroz. We also appreciate the help given by Carmen Salcedo, a national official in charge of the PAMI Tigre, who from our call acted immediately reported to the Ministry of Defence. We also thank the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (the Ministry of Social Development), the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), Dr. Andrea Burucua ECOSUR Foundation, the attorney Sandra Painefilú Mapuche indigenous rights expert , the office of Congresswoman Veronica Benas, the Provincial Deputy Liliana Piani, fellow New Party Meeting (Martin Sabatella) and Tigre Councilman Luis Cancela visited the scene of conflict from morning and left after everything was settled.
social organizations also joined us, as the House Delta and Rio de la Plata, the Classist Combative, Barrios de Pie united by the River (Assembly against Vicente López Coastal Road) and various members of organizations interbasin Space.
We can not overemphasize the attitude of Cecilia, the director of secondary school Dique Luján, and other teachers of that school who visited the camp concerned about the news that had come into town over the bridge that were taking . And another one: the interest of actor Rodrigo de la Serna, Ingeniero Maschwitz neighbor, always supportive and accompanying our claim. These backups
make us feel safe and sound in our demands, we are not alone. As we have said in another press release, support our claim by the neighbors is total and we increasingly echoed in state institutions. Recall that ADIF (ex ONABE), the agency that sold the land in April 2007 to two countries - with two tickets for sale with many irregularities and still can ring - said recently that we are considering our request to nullify the sale. WHAT COMES
The Government of Tigre we require the installation of a vehicular bridge to replace the military bridge, as this will only temporarily, and is the responsibility of the quartermaster ensure public access to Punta Querandí, located in the Partido de Tigre. Where will the funding? We suggest an economic contribution EIDICO as it was this company which since the late 90's destroyed the other two existing public roads:
1) fill the road that connected to Ingeniero Maschwitz (Escobar) and Benavides (Tigre)
2) 1000 meters Brazil street that connected with Route 27.
Escobar The Government of demand requiring EIDICO to give way as a public street adjacent to Arroyo Garin, enforcing provincial legislation of gated communities.
Government officials Tigre came to the war zone soon after the military arrived, they were: the Director Coord. the Delegation of Dique Luján Norberto Ponte, Alejandro Forlong official Councilman and Deputy Secretary of Public Utility Control II, Ricardo Cazachkoff. The latter promised to install a pedestrian bridge in 20 days, without giving too many details, which does not offer any guarantees. "The government should not have called Tigre's own Minister of Defense? Before noon all these Municipality representatives were taking to fulfill its role, while still performing the tasks of removing the bridge. As he
the order to remove the bridge, the mayor of San Benito Barrio, Nicolas Camacho, made a bold offer. He said that would allow vehicle access to Point Channel through the perimeter road surrounding the Arroyo Garin (which makes a similar path road embankment will destroy on the complicity of the federal government and municipalities). That's right: you had to pass a list of full names of people who want to pass through that space. In this policy we propose that the street should be public. Responded that the need to ask the Municipality of Escobar and then return it will have to "speed up paperwork and clearances pending." He also hinted that if there is public access street as Brazil, are not required to assign, denying that the rules requiring gated communities that they have surrounding streets.
something even worse: the police Escobar and Tigre passed the ball to the jurisdiction of this road, first troops arrived and the Deputy Detachment Villa La Ñata after Benavidez (both Tigre) and lastly Police Station Maschwitz, Escobar Party. The latter assured its jurisdiction ends at the Arroyo Garin. This means that the territory corresponding to the gated San Marco and San Benito, which according to its own plans and contracts with the owners belong to Ingeniero Maschwitz, is liberated zone. We call on the Chief of Police of the Province of Buenos Aires to put some order in this situation that is unsustainable.
remember that the road embankment, which was used by residents and neighbors as access to the site, was sold by the ONABE in April 2007, with a sum of irregularities, and destroyed by EIDICO from 2008. In 2009 the neighbor Carlos Arrambide won two precautionary measures to prevent the destruction of this road, because that was the only way to access his home, however the installation of this bridge after an agreement between EIDICO and AYSA-building a major water treatment plant to 1 mile away on Route 26 - made this judicial were revoked. Now, with the way the fill completely destroyed and appropriate for country clubs San Marco and San Benito, and the withdrawal of military bridge, neighbors, residents, and visitors originating from Punta Canal would be isolated.
Movement in Defense of the Pacha continue to protect the sacred site of Punta Querandí, the rights of the inhabitants of the place to freedom of movement and ensuring public access to natural heritage cultural and ancient of these territories.
Alberto (15) 5926-2823
Liliana (15) 5369-5388
Paul (15) 4404-1382
http://movimientoendefensadelapacha.blogspot. com
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