Friends, Partners, Neighbors, Organizations, Officials, Media:
_______________________________________________________________ Wednesday March 17, raised by Councilman Luis Cancel, was presented at the Honorable Deliberating Council Tigre Project to establish a "Social and Environmental Protection Regime for the Tigre Delta."
After months of work, the Assembly Delta and River Plate in collaboration with professionals in the field, they produced the project which aims to provide a framework for the protection of this region which has been threatened by various factors, including the most relevant: progress unscrupulous real estate projects that destroy this precious wetland, necessary for preserving the life of everything that inhabits it in and to the rest of humanity.
placing faith in the other councilors to take this issue as a priority, as the Delta can not wait because the damages they are causing are irreversible in the short and medium term, and end up affecting future generations, as well the effects are already happening today.
They support this project, lots of rules Provincial, National and International. We therefore believe that you can not give back to what is obvious.
not saying that you can not invest in the island, if we say that it complies with the wetland, on which is written too much in the world.
If you want to contribute to the permanence of man and all living beings can not look away, turn a blind eye, or corropernos by a short-term benefit.
next week in the same project adapted to be presented in the Provincial Legislature.
it will be presented to bring awareness to various provincial government agencies, national and international.
bet heavily to be approved this scheme for our beloved Delta Protection.
by us, our children, our grandchildren ......
Assembly Secretariat Committee on Delta and Rio de la Plata Area Member
interbasin RRR
Tigre, March , 2010
Assembly proposals Delta and River Plate to establish a regime of Socio-Environmental Protection for the First Section of the Delta islands and WHEREAS
That Tigre Delta is bounded by Canal Arias, west, the Rio de la Plata, east, the river Paraná de las Palmas, north, and the Luján River, south, forming the bottom of the Paraná Delta. That
Paraná Delta is a region of outstanding features and almost unique in the world, distinct from other deltas it leads to a large freshwater estuary of the Río de la Plata. He has more than 350 rivers and streams, about 20,000 km2 and is estimated to grow about 70 meters per year on the Rio de la Plata, on which cargo moves forward with its alluvial. What gives the Paraná Delta uniqueness worldwide. That
Delta is a wetland because of its importance must be preserved, as hydrological processes and environmental problems that occur in it, supporting biodiversity and natural resources it provides, determined that this environment is essential for development and human welfare.
That these ecosystems have been characterized internationally as "wetlands", and these were a fabulous reserve of biodiversity, oxygen and fresh water. That
Wetlands act as regulators of water excesses and deficiencies, promote flood mitigation, in this case by tidal surges, storm surges, and excess water in the river Paraná, and recharge and groundwater discharge.
That fresh water is a resource that also is becoming increasingly scarce in the world and should be a state strategy to protect, not only in the Delta but also in the Delta System-Cuenca del Plata.
plants and soils in wetlands have the particularity to remove high concentrations of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, playing a key role in the cycles of matter and the maintenance of water quality through retention, processing and transport of sediment, nutrients and pollutants. This process is important because it helps prevent the depletion of oxygen by the rapid growth of plants and algae and the arrival of nutrients into groundwater or other sources likely to be fit for human consumption, such as the Rio de la Plata where they draw drinking water for millions of people and particularly for the island's population using only this resource directly from rivers and streams for domestic consumption .
That despite all the benefits to mankind, for centuries the wetlands were considered marginal land that should be drained or reclaimed, to improve sanitary conditions, affect the production or speculation. Fortunately, this concept is changing.
That while the world looks worried these natural resources in the Delta of Tigre are made and project works and megaprojects that will surely mean the final collapse of this wonderful natural resource.
That the development of these enterprises involves the transformation of wetlands into a continental land by the landfill over the maximum height of the tide, or a purely aquatic system, involving for example the depletion of base portions the islands to the formation of internal lagoons or marine. That
Patricia, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences and recognized specialist in wetlands, Regional Ecology Laboratory of the UBA, said: "When, in the best case, is to maintain the conditions of the system, project works with technologies developed for terrestrial systems, demonstrating a complete ignorance of the characteristics of these environments and a complete lack of imagination. " (Attached Appendix I)
That despite the land of the Delta are wetlands, and that is in effect Ordinance No. 758 of June 28, 1988, promulgated by the Mayor of the District of Tigre by Decree 1879 / 88, through which established the Integral Natural Reserve "ECOLOGICAL PARK OF THE FIRST SECTION OF DELTA ISLANDS OF THE PARANA, Tigre" (to ensure the normal development of artificial undisturbed natural process), most of enterprises that develop in the First Section of Islands, departing from an ignorance of the functions and services of these systems. That
hydrological approach a wetland ecosystem is the key to its understanding.
That by renowned beauty that still holds, the Delta has a special tourist attraction, distinguishing this activity in the 1 st Section of Islands rather more clear to the rest, we could call productive, divided by the Rio Parana de las Palmas .
ventures that this model generates a serious damage to the delta ecosystem, altering the natural dynamics of local and regional hydrology, preventing free runoff of surface waters and groundwaters, more severe flooding other areas of the Delta and threaten the continent, accelerating runoff, causing the breakdown of costs and modifying the natural course of rivers.
allowing consolidation of real estate development these models synergistically increases environmental impacts.
Not less important are the cultural impacts by the intrusion of different lifestyles, habits and customs alien to the identity and culture of the island and the displacement of local indigenous communities. That
Delta, our Delta, is in danger, and we and people, others as visitors, who have some institutional responsibility to protect, we are in default. That
Delta has "natural resources" and "potential wealth" indisputable, to preserve it is urgent and necessary to have a frame with content planning, protection, regulation and control of tourist activities, production, trade and planning to ensure that heritage continues to be degraded and not contaminated by the unscrupulous actions, ambitious and shortsighted of various social actors. That
development model depends on the "natural resources" to survive for the enjoyment of generations happen to us.
That is a function of municipal government to promote the control of urban development process through the formulation of planning policies, in which individual interests of owners necessarily coexist with other social, cultural and environmental the rest of the society.
we expect that these proposals will help modestly to the Argentine tigrenses and all who enjoy the Delta because it is, keep fighting hopeful that it is possible to prevent further damage and injuries to our earth, and in turn promote a tomorrow worth , characterized by a sovereign country project, with policies based growth in developing sustainable for our children and future generations. That
Argentina is adherent to the RAMSAR Convention international treaty, signed on February 2, 1971 in Ramsar, aimed at ensuring the conservation and wise use of wetlands, according to Law 23919 approving the Convention on Wetlands.
That the Senate of the Province of Buenos Aires for treatment are the Draft Declaration F 380 2009/2010 for the First Section of the Delta Islands, belonging to the Partido de Tigre, be included in the list Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites) and Bill E 170 2009 / 2010 declaring Landscape Protected, according to Law 12704, the First Section of the Delta Islands, belonging to the Partido de Tigre.
that the reform of 1994 our Constitution in Article 41 enshrines the right to a healthy environment and introduces the concept of "minimum" of protection. That there are rules
municipal, provincial, national and international laws that protect these ecosystems and our region in particular, should be taken into account when planning policies to manage and care of the environment on the area.
It is imperative to understand that in order to give sustainability (for the proper functioning the wetland) insular dynamics imposes certain rules that must be respected and understood as a whole and can not be managed with conventional town planning criteria.
That due to increased development pressure and tourists to the Delta, it is imperative to establish a regime of Socio-Environmental Protection. That
Scheme Socio-environmental protection should be developed, through the mechanism of public hearings by a disciplinary body of suitable recognized (as Patricia Kandus, Elba Stancich, Marta Dodero, Miguel Grinberg, Antonio Brailovsky, etc.) with the participation of environmental organizations and social consensus with the inhabitants of the Delta, accredited. That
universities, technical institutes, organizations, appropriate and wrestlers have enriched promoting, teaching and encouraging various projects such as creating a "Protected Area Paraná Delta" (1998), creating a "System of Environmental Protection ( 1999), including the Delta in the List of Wetlands of International Importance Ramsar Sites "(2002) with the hope that finally takes shape, the benefit of all.
That the foundation is above all "survival instinct." No need to add more ink to the calamities that are already in sight. But it is also philosophical, it confronts us with "an existential question": the infinite development of consumer society and threaten the harmony of man with nature. These proposals are not intended to address this philosophical question, just put a "legal framework for environmental protection." Mainly that of the planet Earth is not ours, we have the right to enjoy it before those who come after us and not to consume.
the foregoing Block-ARI Civic Coalition HCD Tigre rises to the following: DRAFT ORDINANCE
Article 1 .- Create the Conditions Socio-Environmental Protection for the Delta town of Tigre, First Section of the Delta Islands.
Article 2 .- Save the geographical isolation of the First Section of the Delta Islands, it being understood that the normal channels of communication between the mainland and islands and between them, are the navigable waterways. Therefore Prohibits the interlocking vehicular bridges, tunnels, ferries and the like. On smaller streams such as forks or ditches may be constructed bridges for pedestrian use only according to the rules set forth by Ordinance 752/53 and its amendments.
Article 3 º .- Construction road network and road traffic on the islands.
Article 4 º .- soil movement, construction of embankments, impoundments, landfills, polders, etc.. to preserve the natural elevation of the land and maintain hydraulic transparency of the islands, understood as the free flow of water because it is a natural flood plain under the influence of tides, storm surges, etc..
Article 5 .- Presérvense islands centers, respecting the floodplain. In no case hinder the normal routes of drainage or surface runoff.
Article 6 º .- conducting Artificial lakes and ponds and / or light brackish or salt water (which occurs when they reach the water table).
Article 7 .- The rivers, streams and canals are public and free movement, and can not be privatized under any circumstances. Observe release free movement on the public road along the coast.
Article 8 .- Observe release of island biodiversity, habitat and preserving both the terrestrial and aquatic native species existing in the area. Included within this concept to coastal reedbeds.
Article 9 .- The family or commercial buildings will only stilt type and maximum two floors, settling within the first 100 meters near the coasts, adapting to the natural features of the site and without changing flood conditions. The clearing will be permitted only where housing will be set, farm, gardens or buildings that make up a commercial venture, after evaluation and authorization of the competent authority.
Article 10 .- The refulados by dredging of rivers and streams will be made only on the occasion of an overall plan to deepen waterways and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) issued by enforcement authority.
Individuals may not make the movement of soil, mud or refulado on their own.
refulado resulting from the dredging of waterways, scheduled and institutionally authorized, after analysis of contaminants, will be distributed and provided primarily on lots that have fallen short of others in order to level and not continue lifting barriers water.
Article 11 .- Each project to be developed for the area will be analyzed under the criterion of "synergistic effect" (sum of environmental impacts). The analysis of each proposal it will be within the context of existing, irrespective of the degree of progress in which they are (pre-feasibility feasibility, construction, operation or abandonment).
Article 12 º .- The construction of all types of gated communities (gated communities, countries, country clubs, water districts, etc.) As they exclude and displace people breaking existing social networks, altering the uses and island customs.
Article 13 .- Each project to be implemented in the islands, which meets all the provisions contained in this ordinance, shall be accompanied by an Environmental Management Plan and Social Council, approved by the enforcement authority for both the stage construction to the operational phase of the project or operation. Understood as part of a management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, conducting, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy and social entrepreneurship. And those who are in execution of work should be suspended pending such action regulates a management plan.
Article 14 º .- all kinds of visual or audio advertising. To protect the landscape only allowed the signs appropriate to the island's beauty.
Article 15 .- The enforcement authority shall establish a Management Plan Solid waste tends to reduce them and resolve their disposal.
Article 16 .- The rivers and streams may not be illuminated and the streets of the city, damaging the plant and animal biodiversity, is necessary and understandable to leave a light on the docks. Public lighting is restricted to roads where local residents agreed as necessary.
Article 17 .- The production projects to be held in the Delta of Tigre must be central premise of environmental and social sustainability of the ecosystem and the rational use of regional natural assets.
production processes to be authorized must be solved treatment of their effluent and solid waste every enterprise tending to purify, process and reuse them. Tourism activities are
friendly natural environment, cultural and social values \u200b\u200bof the community and allow to establish a positive and fair with both tourists and residents.
will be given to local people to perform tasks of tourist guides in the Delta of Tigre.
be promoted business activities that add value to the country and hire local workers, respect the labor laws.
be prioritized, with technical and financial support:
• island family farms agroecological to ensure food sovereignty in order to cater primarily to local markets by providing quality, inexpensive food. • production
cooperative networks of horizontal cooperation and complementary economies, which would advance the aggregate value and emphasis on productions with a social purpose.
Article 18 .- Create the Municipal Nursery for the recovery of native forest.
Article 19 º .- production based on monocultures and pesticide use.
Article 20 .- To establish a body that will act as the enforcement authority of this Ordinance, to control management by the community social organizations. Ensure the allocation of resources through the revenue generated by activities related to the Delta of Tigre (canon sandpit, airport tax, public moorings, day-care taxes, revenue from the Puerto de Frutos, national and provincial partnership, etc.).
The enforcement authority shall, within 90 days, to implement the necessary mechanisms to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
Article 21 .- By.
Councilman Luis Cancel
Block-ARI Civic Coalition
Patricia Kandus
For what use is a wetland
"On the issue of wetlands there is a long history of knowledge. The world was accustomed to thinking in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and about two decades ago, are beginning to talk about wetlands, which are those lands that were always considered marginal, muddy, which can not enter or travel by boat to trucks, "says Patricia Kandus, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences and recognized specialist in wetlands. Even today in some areas and in many countries, this idea remains valid: it is necessary to "modify the condition of wetlands, making terrestrial or aquatic systems. "
How is this transformation takes place?
technology can be used to convert the wetland into a terrestrial system, drainage channels, embankments, polders and dikes. The other possibility is to take it to an aquatic ecosystem, it turned into a lake or pond. In both cases, the condition of wetland lost. Any ecosystem has certain features that can offer many goods and services to society, but when the wetland is removed, those are lost.
What are these services?
Wetlands met, for example, a regulatory role in the growing and damping of the water velocity. If the water is encased by a river, comes with a certain speed, but when it overflows, it loses kinetic energy, energy lost erosive sediment deposits, these sediments bring nutrients that plants need. Also important is the vegetation that is on the islands, especially the herbaceous vegetation. In general, people see a forest and says how cute, but when you see a grassland seems horrible. But the grasslands have a role to absorb nutrients and filter out toxic substances, and are regulators of flooding and sediment. Delta grasslands have a high capacity to fix carbon, which is stored in the soil. If you dry the soil, that carbon is lost and emitted to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
What is the current status of wetlands in the world?
Historically, countries were losing most of its wetlands, there are states of the United States lost 90% of its wetlands. However, over time it was recognizing the true value of these ecosystems. And today U.S. and Europe spend millions of dollars in restoration. Why? For any terrestrial ecosystem has the ability to filter water, for example. There is a whole line of research dedicated the economic valuation of ecosystems. The thing about wetlands is that the benefits they provide to society are long-term or are used by social sectors outside the nucleus of power. For example, marginal people increases the protein content of their meals because hunting capybaras and otters. Living in a place like the Delta has its costs and benefits: the land is cheap or no one tells me anything if I put my box, maybe short rushes and sell for a few pesos, but that's not enough for me to live. Then hunt otters, capybara, fish ... That, in the economy, in large numbers, it is not, however, increasing the agricultural area, is noted in the gross domestic product. In addition, there is often a pejorative view of alternative production methods that develop in these areas.
Is there an awareness in our country about the value of wetlands?
Very little. In general, in third world countries, until recent years, the majority of wetlands were in good condition, perhaps more by default than by choice. Our problem is not to restore but to preserve, use good form, in a sustainable way, using the wetland as such and not as a ground.
not what happens to neighborhoods that were built in flood zones ...
When the floodplain area, for example, Luján River, rises to gated communities, who flooded? The next door insurance to those who have fewer resources. Escobar area, the dam of Lujan is a very low, was the ancient seashore. There are becoming gated communities. That surface was leaked that part of the pollutants. Today, private neighborhoods, the river seems a pipe that fills the homeless.
Is it a social problem rather than organic?
is very difficult to know where the limit of what one may think as a coach and you might think from its social commitment. In a watershed the size of the Parana environmental impact assessments of an enterprise as Colony Park are meaningless if you do not think in the context of land use planning. The issue is: what is the model of development? What is the land use plan? I think that even what there is and this is exploited by opportunists who do business or speculate on the ignorance of society and its authorities. Can not think of these activities outside the territorial planning, regional planning was under an inclusive model, where you have to participate in society as a whole.
These enterprises often resort to a discourse 'green' talk about the green of the outdoors ... The word organic has
been bastardized. An example: pollution that comes from the Reconquista or the industrial center of Rosario. None of the cities that spills over the Parana has effluent treatment, all spills to the river, from the sewers to the industries. Heavy metals are deposited in the fund. When you throw mud dredging and filling these ventures, often filled with mud from the bottom. It would be interesting to analyze the composition of this mud and maybe find a good part of the periodic table. It would be a matter of making assessments of environmental goods and services that are won and lost, and besides, who wins and who loses from these works.
Assembly Delta and Rio de la Plata
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