Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Can Be Used On Scabs Inside Nostrils?

Repetto:" It's a chance to return to Saturday Bus "Nicolás Repetto

"The return of this program is a big risk, is a very expensive dish to assemble, say expensive, something that if I had a great success could not be solved, it had to be good business, the risk involved was scattered on a curve and lost a lot of money. With the television as it is not logical " Nicolás Repetto had thought less than six months told the newspaper La Capital de Mar del Plata.

"I am interested in returning to the TV, the theme is 'what we do'. Today my concern is not which channel to air but one thing that can survive, be decent, stable and likes to public, if not I'm not interested, I did not survive many cycles that I'm a little bored with it. I did not format the outside, but if you see one, I would. The true costs me, showed me a thousand forms, but none of them attention and I are excited to be 'the entertainer of the moment. "I have also wanted to talk to someone in a good story, ask good questions, make a good music out there I'm old for TV now," had added in a tone of resignation.

"No more the battle of the rating"

"Normally, programs that worked grew up in the air," said former driver Fax a year ago in Clarin.

"Why I want to go? Why I want to return or retrieve a location? No, I honestly do not. I do not want anything anywhere. Not even do some thinking about the competition ... Of course I know what is in front (talk about zapping, by Telefé) and probably do more rating than me, because it is so installed, " Repetto deduced the same way.

successes and failures

" I'ma professional coming onto the court and can not always win. I can travel with dignity by a failure because I think I have enough weaknesses to be wrong and I'm ass enough not to realize some things, "said .

" I do not want to compromise based on the rating, I want more that battle. I work for that interests many people, " claimed the winner of two Golden Martin Fierro

" Success has this advantage, the advantage of hiding the boot. That, moreover, is what is needed, because in reality all these steps are a ladder if you did well. And if you went wrong, a slide, "he pointed out.




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