Why fish die?
The summer of 2009 was a period the rise of the rivers Paraná, Uruguay and other rivers of the Plata Basin. The winds blew east and southeast more often by the current of the child, and made to intensify the rains and tides, which fueled the rise of the rivers in the area. With the growing
multiplied aquatic environments, the fish had access to new resources, pollution was liquefied so slightly between water and the fish are bred in large numbers, and for years did not happen.
Mojarras, catfish, pacucitos, gold, surubíes, chafalotes ... there were so many fish that it looked like we were swimming through the eyes. Winter came, the waters receded and another Once the fish were actors, but in this case as an endless silent funeral march.
What happened? The Municipality of Tigre took up the matter and issued a statement which disclosed a portion of the truth. Death was adjudged to cold and some mushrooms. But on the other, the awkward truth, he said nothing. Real is that much of that population multiplied during the growing fish suffered the consequences of cold and became more vulnerable. The cold took its victims, but the cold does not kill alone. At low water the fish are concentrated, but also focused two new sources of pollution: pesticides used in monocultures of soybean, pine and eucalyptus in areas surrounding the basin-wide costs Yque grew out of control. And pulling the open-pit mining exploit the hills where the rivers north of our country.
Meanwhile here in the big city of Buenos Aires, other damage to the environment make progress begins to show its limits. Go back ten years.
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
In 2000 there were also aware of the child, also up the rivers and there were many fish. But it was also some things that, ten years later, explained that the rivers Delta no longer the same.
In that year, a company hired by the state in a bid millionaire, Covimet wound up in the Reconquista River Basin, where 12,000 factories dumping their waste in the north and west of Buenos Aires. The aim was to "clean up the watershed." They advertised their posters. Newspapers said so. Sanitation consisted
piped streams, rivers correct, and cut the trees from the banks and cement to make the water run faster. It was said that this would solve the problem of pollution in the watershed. But cleaning the rivers that drain is not to make faster. Clean rivers is left to contaminate. So the pollution continued and we got used to it.
As a final point of the work, here in the Tigre, changed the Reconquista its natural outlet, making it drain upstream of Luján, the national track rowing, also called relief channel. " To prevent flooding in the basin widened its mouth. Since then, after each storm that washes the river, or when the wind blows south, industrial pollution and sewage from the west and north of Buenos Aires across the River Luján and into the Delta by the Carapachay, the Angostura, follows Standby, Sarmiento, the Abra Vieja. What how we see the brown water rivers turn gray? How many times saw the fish come alive with the growing Rio Tigre and get killed with the downpipe?
Tigre, a privileged place
Also in 2000, investors discovered that the coastal wetlands of the Luján River, considered useless marshes were an ideal place to do business. Were bought cheap and sold were filled by a lot of money. Businesses grow fast and in just ten years gated multiplied and what was the floodplain of the River Luján is a huge city now private.
Coastal wetlands, like islands, are cushioning the flooding and pollution recycling, cleaning the water. After each increasingly seen as the clear shallow water and filtered from the islands. More pollution, less nature to clean it. The combination is explosive and shows the limits of nature to take his case, when the cold pressed.
And how to walk on the islands?
The Delta is included in this model of progress based on quick business. In the advancing front, behind the reeds, dredgers are working day and night, muddying streams, open channels, filling islands to establish the first urban settlement on the islands: Colony Park. Wetlands destroyed again, again gaining ground pollution, silence again
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Assembly Committee Secretariat Delta and Rio de la Plata Area Member
interbasin RRR
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