Monday, August 30, 2010

Psychiatrist Average Malpractice Insurance Cost

fish kills

Why fish die?

The summer of 2009 was a period the rise of the rivers Paraná, Uruguay and other rivers of the Plata Basin. The winds blew east and southeast more often by the current of the child, and made to intensify the rains and tides, which fueled the rise of the rivers in the area. With the growing
multiplied aquatic environments, the fish had access to new resources, pollution was liquefied so slightly between water and the fish are bred in large numbers, and for years did not happen.
Mojarras, catfish, pacucitos, gold, surubíes, chafalotes ... there were so many fish that it looked like we were swimming through the eyes. Winter came, the waters receded and another Once the fish were actors, but in this case as an endless silent funeral march.
What happened? The Municipality of Tigre took up the matter and issued a statement which disclosed a portion of the truth. Death was adjudged to cold and some mushrooms. But on the other, the awkward truth, he said nothing. Real is that much of that population multiplied during the growing fish suffered the consequences of cold and became more vulnerable. The cold took its victims, but the cold does not kill alone. At low water the fish are concentrated, but also focused two new sources of pollution: pesticides used in monocultures of soybean, pine and eucalyptus in areas surrounding the basin-wide costs Yque grew out of control. And pulling the open-pit mining exploit the hills where the rivers north of our country.

Meanwhile here in the big city of Buenos Aires, other damage to the environment make progress begins to show its limits. Go back ten years.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

In 2000 there were also aware of the child, also up the rivers and there were many fish. But it was also some things that, ten years later, explained that the rivers Delta no longer the same.
In that year, a company hired by the state in a bid millionaire, Covimet wound up in the Reconquista River Basin, where 12,000 factories dumping their waste in the north and west of Buenos Aires. The aim was to "clean up the watershed." They advertised their posters. Newspapers said so. Sanitation consisted
piped streams, rivers correct, and cut the trees from the banks and cement to make the water run faster. It was said that this would solve the problem of pollution in the watershed. But cleaning the rivers that drain is not to make faster. Clean rivers is left to contaminate. So the pollution continued and we got used to it.
As a final point of the work, here in the Tigre, changed the Reconquista its natural outlet, making it drain upstream of Luján, the national track rowing, also called relief channel. " To prevent flooding in the basin widened its mouth. Since then, after each storm that washes the river, or when the wind blows south, industrial pollution and sewage from the west and north of Buenos Aires across the River Luján and into the Delta by the Carapachay, the Angostura, follows Standby, Sarmiento, the Abra Vieja. What how we see the brown water rivers turn gray? How many times saw the fish come alive with the growing Rio Tigre and get killed with the downpipe?

Tigre, a privileged place

Also in 2000, investors discovered that the coastal wetlands of the Luján River, considered useless marshes were an ideal place to do business. Were bought cheap and sold were filled by a lot of money. Businesses grow fast and in just ten years gated multiplied and what was the floodplain of the River Luján is a huge city now private.
Coastal wetlands, like islands, are cushioning the flooding and pollution recycling, cleaning the water. After each increasingly seen as the clear shallow water and filtered from the islands. More pollution, less nature to clean it. The combination is explosive and shows the limits of nature to take his case, when the cold pressed.

And how to walk on the islands?

The Delta is included in this model of progress based on quick business. In the advancing front, behind the reeds, dredgers are working day and night, muddying streams, open channels, filling islands to establish the first urban settlement on the islands: Colony Park. Wetlands destroyed again, again gaining ground pollution, silence again


appreciate the publication
keep you informed. THANKS


Assembly Committee Secretariat Delta and Rio de la Plata Area Member
interbasin RRR


Delta and Rio de la Plata (group facebook )

Friday, August 27, 2010

Who Do You Choose For Your New Queen/king?

fish kills

Open Letter: "I apologize"

I would ask publicly apologized to all by the complaints, pollution of rivers, I've been doing for 33 winters, from the Delta, where I live.

I apologize to the authorities and officials from dictatorship to this day, the media and people in general to which induced them to believe and deal with death fish is related with industrial and sewage pollution of the rivers of La Plata, Riachuelo, Reconquista, and the Delta in general.

The last official report, particularly that of the OPDS (Provincial Agency for Sustainable Development) in July-August 2010, said:
"in general terms, the mortality of fish is a common occurrence in Argentina." That is multispecies and that death is due to a shock stress by hypothermia. "

This means that the mass mortality of fish due to low temperatures.

Based on this official statement, based on scientific knowledge, is that I decided to apologize for the inconvenience and disturbance of public peace that have caused my complaints.

infer that analysis to be conducted in waters where there were deaths that are occurring are in perfect condition and that the rivers are not polluted.

Like any crisis can become an opportunity, step by listing some proposals related to water quality:

1 - Since the fish have died from hypothermia and no pollution, resource use and low cost ictícola each winter. Would not be necessary or networks, or rods, or boat to get them.
2 - Remove all signs prohibiting bathing waters are polluted or dangerous along the coast of Rio de la Plata and Luján.
3 - Enable public beaches for recreation, with use of the river, along the coast above.
4 - Take Luján River water for new water treatment plant in Dique Luján complex millionaire saving us more than 20km pipeline will bring raw water from the Paraná de las Palmas.
5 - Make an SME to make winter clothes for next winter fish and generate jobs.

I want to thank the officials who have made the river water are in good condition, employers no longer contaminated in Argentina (which does happen in Uruguay Botnia and Chernobyl in Russia)

Thanks to recover, nurture and preserve our resources.

Once again, I apologize. My complaints, luckily unfounded and meaningless.
hello to you,
Martín Nunziata
ID: 4. 618. 920

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is It Safe Get Pregnant With An Erosion

Offering to Mother Earth

ceremony to Pachamama in Punta Querandí, Dique Luján, Tigre.
Brazil Street (between river and canal Garin Villanueva). Since the collective 720 Tigre green sign "The Ñata."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rash Hiv Maculopapular

mortality Parts

Tigre Delta, August 22, 2010

Sr Director:

mass fish mortalities: Natural Death by cold or by Ecocide Widespread contamination?

Could it be that being surrounded by increasingly polluted rivers we want to explain to the catastrophic death of fish that has been going on for almost two months due to cold?
32 years ago to live in the Delta, as many as I work to denounce the increasing pollution of our rivers, Reconquista, Stream, River Plate, Luján and the first section of the Paraná Delta.

pollution sincere dictatorship with the "Compensation Fee" (polluter pays): namely, to continue poisoning, had to pay. (When they did). Democratic governments repealed that law and democratized grim pollution. Now do not pay anything to keep polluting.

So far the fish kills that occurs every so often, was attributed specifically to the pollution of water by the presence of waste (industrial effluents and sewage). Within the industrial effluents appear Pesticides (herbicides and chemical fertilizers in general) more leachate (liquid waste). Climate Change If we have shorter winters and warmer and the contamination is higher, why believe that fish die from cold if earlier with longer winters and more intense this was not true?

We can see the pollution it will produce Botnia in Uruguay, but we can not see the "thousands of Bothnia" we already have in Argentina, all increasingly polluted waters. It should be added to the more polluting industrial processes is the Agribusiness export of grain, mainly. Increasingly expanded and was completely controls that are poisoning, with its expansion, all rivers.

One wonders when exhibited increased production numbers in millions and millions of tons, how many millions of tons of pesticides are our rivers. Industrial exports in general and mineral extraction also produced serious environmental damage.

Have we asked the extent of environmental damage that we are leaving this "Model of Progress, Development" without an effective policy of protection and preservation of our common resources (natural resources)? Da

much helplessness and shame, being so obviously the result of these ecocide, no reaction Fast and effective policy makers in specific officials in the agenda to "make the media" and social participation for the changes.

Environmental Damage because they continue over time and involve the generations that come after us, should be considered "crimes against humanity" should not be released from prison or prescribing until the damage is repaired.

The mass death of fish is not only the death of fish. Disease and death is the water in which they live and death of other species, being 75% water in our body, is the advance of our own disease. Death is our destiny and common humanity. Rio kill ... Kill!

Sincerely, Martín Nunziata

Assembly Delta and Rio de la Plata

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Babies Broken Capillaries

Assembly Delta and River Plate will be there presentence participating from stand and chat ... HOPE YOU



create spaces where professionals and organizations interact with the public providing information on specific actions that greening our lives. Each
awareness campaign will be two months and will cover the most pressing issues in Argentina today. The campaigns consist of several open events and gratiuitos targeting different sectors of society


Through the Water, Ambientate organizes a festival to display cultural and social awareness towards. Fair will organizations like Friends of the Earth, Ecoclubes and Patagonia Association between others art of public conscience and different artists, a children's program with a theater and a workshop debujo. Debris group installation.

There will be a program of talks and discussions with experts in the problems of pollution and water cycles, mining, glaciers, as well as situation of the Brook. Exhibited, among others: FARN, Laguna de Rocha, Glaciarium,
Water and Youth Movement, Water is Life, the Boca Neighborhood Association.

August 21: 10 a 18hs, Japanese Garden, Avenida Casares 2966, Palermo
Free admission.


10.30: "News in the Matanza - Riachuelo "
Alfredo Alberti - Boca Neighbours

11.30:" Mining - Glaciers "Martin and Mariela Cristina
Silverstein - Awareness Solidarity

12.30:" The Importance of Water in our Lives "Carmen Josefina
Mastrandrea - Aguaesvida
: "Presentation of Glaciarium - Patagonian Ice Museum" Glaciarium

14.30: "Let's use the water with commitment and responsibility"
Association of Friends of the Patagonia

15.00: Children's Workshop:
Workshop Drawing

16.00: "The world powers and the pursuit of resources," Paul Aquino

16.30: "Water and Agriculture "Alejo Mendez


Installation, Debris Group

Reciclarte Works (with material from the Riachuelo)

" The Rio For the People "- Friends

Show" Reflected in the Water " - Friends

Photos "Andalgalá: The Other Bicentennial"

Works Fabian Barragan Barreda and

Assembly Delta and Rio de la Plata