Y. ..
(Gioconda Belli)
And being born
excuse to say your name at night
tender and moist as the large flower petals open eyes and quivering
in which I wrapped in the most
deep sleep,
to draw your name in every corner
where I lived and live
until the wind takes me,
as seed, to flower
strange lands and I
embodies perhaps the child will hear
stories in the evening equal
Nicaragua with the smell of earth born, weaving in her womb
green living luxurious tropical
like me, like you,
like leaves that wrapped us when we threw
beautiful is the love, when you leave a name through time saved in the heart like a tattoo ... Freyja
Prize: "Sigh of a desire"
I just received this award " sigh of desire" my friend MAYA your blog Hitting the Wall of Maya
Thanks friend for the honor and to achieve this award for creating blogs that touch your soul.
your blog is always in the delivery of feelings and thoughts. As a good friend in blogosphere with everyone and always be
giving your love Thank you, Freyja
Freyja - http://www.freyja.cl/
Freyja BLOG - http://www.freyja.cl/blog/
(Photo by Emma O)
© Freyja
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